Now that you know what you want to accomplish, it's time to create your website structure. Think of your structure like the blueprint for a building. The website structure does not have to be fancy. It does not need to be complicated.
A well-organized website is one that makes it easy and intuitive for visitors to find what they want. The easier it is to use, the longer users will stay at the site, and the more they'll see of it. Good website structure also makes it easy for you to grow your site logically.
Another thing that you should keep in mind is that every page of your website is no more than two levels deep from home page (i.e. it should not take more than two clicks to go from the home page to every page of your site). Otherwise, the search engine spiders may not index all the pages.
To make your website easy and navigable for both your visitors and your search engine spiders, structure your site like this...
Your home page should link to Tier 2 pages, both within the body copy, and from within a text or graphic navigation bar. Each of these pages can themselves link to 5-10 Tier 3 pages.
This website structure should correspond with your table of highly profitable keywords (see Choosing Keywords).
The Tier 2 pages should contain content that is about your most profitable keywords, so the most important pages have the best chance of being indexed first.
The Tier 3 pages should relate to the Tier 2 page that links to it. Their main keywords may be not so profitable.
You likely won't pick the most profitable keywords for all the Tier 2 pages. Some will be too close in meaning. Others may not easily lead to a Tier 3. So try to fill your specific niche and pick the most profitable keywords for most of pages.
This clean, 3-Tier website structure yields an easy, navigable site for both your human visitors and your search engine spiders.
Spiders always come in through the home page (as long as you submit it to them). From there, you've left them a nice trail to follow. So they can easily index the rest of your pages.
Humans, however, may find any page via the search engines. So each Tier 3 page should provide a link back to its related Tier 2. And the same for Tier 2 to Tier 1.
Here's the comprehensive resource that describes the optimal website structure in more detail - Ken Evoy's Affiliate Masters course (new 2006 edition). It is probably the best single resource on building a successful website... at any price... and it's free! There's no charge - you're not even asked for your email address.
After creating the optimal website structure you are super-ready to build a website that will be a real money-maker for you!
- Overview
- Site Content:
- Optimal Niche
- Choosing Keywords
- Analyzing Competitors
- Site Structure
- Search Engine Optimization
- Web Design
- HTML Codes
- Web Graphics
- Domain Names
- Web Hosting
- Online Website Builders
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